Ultimate Fitness Challenge

One of the biggest challenges with getting into shape and then maintaining it can be the mental focus and guidance you need to achieve better focus and increased fitness in a safe and dynamic way.
An even greater challenge can be if you want to lose a lot of weight (40+ pounds) and don’t know how to safely get started.  It can be hard to get in to a gym with unfamiliar equipment and people working out that make you feel even more self-conscious about how you look and the weight you want to lose.  There is also the time needed to workout.


Ultimate Fitness Challenge gives you, the participant or client, the routines and guidance to bring your fitness dreams into reality.  You get to work out with people who have similar weight loss goals and fitness challenges.  Our goal is to make you feel comfortable and get you started and then get you moving and grooving.  Anyone can do an exercise for 20 – 60 seconds – that is how simple it is to start!  Can you imagine having the most amazing work out in less than 20 minutes?  No More “Time” Excuses!



Ultimate Fitness Challenge combines the skills of clinical Hypnotherapist James R. M. Castelli and personal trainer Danni McKenzie for the synergy of mind and body training.

Spartan Challenge 2012

Do you need to lose over 40 pounds?  Do you want to be able to work out anywhere and not have to take out a gym membership?

Are you ready for knowledge and empowerment….not just another work out?

Do you want to see just how far your body can really go?

Do you want to step outside your box with your work outs?

Do you want to share the fun and the challenge with like-minded people?

Then you need to join the ULTIMATE FITNESS CHALLENGE!.

Based on the latest fitness techniques that will literally have you finding and feeling muscles you forgot you had or hadn’t made full use of in a long time!

Push yourself to new limits while improving your overall cardiovascular ability.  Empower your mind and defeat carb, sugar and even pop cravings.  Develop the identity of a healthier, more positively focused person!

Sessions can be group or individual and will run for six weeks.

This Ultimate Fitness Challenge – Tabata and Burst personal training for the body and the mind including private and group hypnotherapy sessions to address any issues that may have prevented you from being successful in the past

Space is very limited so contact James Castelli today (403-382-7644 or james@www.new.jrmatthew.com) to find out costs and program specifics.



Take your fitness to a new level you never thought possible!!
Achieve goals you never thought possible!!
Learn how to control your body and your life
by learning how to control your mind.
Contact james@www.new.jrmatthew.com

Sessions lead by leading certified professionals.
AFLCA PTS/B.A.Psychology/Clinical Hypnotherapist