There are a variety of therapy services and products which James provides. The following is a brief listing:
*** New Stop Smoking and anxiety programs are available now!
The Complete Stop Smoking Program is available in electronic and cd format: Only $60.00!
Learn how to easily manage cravings and apply replacement behaviours so you can break free once and for all. Think of the money you will save when you take back your control!
Reduce Anxiety Program: Only $45.00
Learn techniques for switching your focus to the positive. Be more in the moment and build up your confidence. Manage your anxious feelings so you can live a more positive life!
These progams are available by calling 403-382-7644 or emailing
The following are just a few of the areas within which James can help:
Stop Smoking Guaranteed! A one year program featuring up to 12 follow ups if needed (most quit within the first 3 to 4 sessions or the first week)
Fitness focus and Healthy Eating
Sports performance
Chronic Pain
Medical and Dental surgery prep and recovery
Quantum Touch Energy work for healing and creating optimal… helps with arthritic pain, headaches, bruising, breaks and strains, muscle recovery and phantom aches and pains
Anxiety Reduction
Confidence building
Sleep Disorders
High Blood Pressure
Habit Disorders (Nail Biting for example)
Private and Confidential appointments are available up request.
Group and Corporate motivational speaking. More details at
Consulting for Health and Wellness – a corporate health and wellness program that features a diverse therapy approach that is customized to meet the individual needs of both the employee and the employer. More details available at
House calls are available when necessary (a small travel charge may apply).
An initial session may be 50 mins to 90 mins in length with follow ups being 15 to 50 minutes in length.
Programs for positive change may vary in length from a few sessions to several weeks.
Most programs include custom cd’s or audio tracks.
Many general therapy cd’s and audio tracks are available for purchase upon request for as little as $10.00 and can be sent by email or mail.